You can download the latest version of Momentum HERE. Downloading and running the installer will replace your current version of Momentum with version 1.1.
- Song Section indicators
- Updated appearance of all dropdown menus
- Updated default settings for some FX
- MacOS - Adding a lot of slices (30+) manually no longer crashes DAWs like Live 10 and Logic Pro X
- “Repeat next _ slices” function now will complete a pattern through to the end of the loop
- Fixes for freezing previews and product demos
- Adjustments to latched keys being reset after latch mode is disabled
- Group FX Delay is no longer influenced by synced time settings if delay tempo sync is disabled
- Momentum no longer crashes on some systems when deleting slices
- Momentum no longer crashes while playing many notes (10+) with Input Q enabled
- Latch mode and Input Q combination will now sustain a loop until the end of the selected Input Q division even after a new one in the same group is triggered
- Some Logic users no longer experience a fatal error while rescanning plugins
- The delay effect no longer displays incorrect “Time” values
- Filter “resonance” knob now works with all filter modes
- The playhead is now active for all samples that are currently playing
- “Input Limit” has now been added to the group “Limiter” effect
- Several groups/channels can now be soloed at the same time
- Pro Tools no longer experiences slow user interface responsiveness
- Addressed issues while using Reaper on Windows
- Addressed crashes in Studio One on Windows
- Fixes for Cakewalk on Windows
- Fixes for Reason on Windows
Other minor bug fixes and tweaks included