You can download the latest version of Momentum HERE.  Downloading and running the installer will replace your current version of Momentum with version 1.2


New Features:

  • “ORIGINAL” now appears in front of the key and BPM fields for a sample on the slice page, indicating that these fields are for a sample’s original information
  • Slice Effect “Overlay”: While editing a particular slice effect parameter on the waveform, the levels of the other parameters can be viewed
  • In the lower area of the waveform, there is now a bar / beat grid
  • Mouse Waveform Zoom Functions (horizontal zoom, horizontal scroll, vertical zoom)
  • New options for slice editing including snap slices to grid, snap start/end to grid, reset slices, and clear slices 
  • Latch Mode is now available on the slice page
  • Input Q is now available on the slice page
  • Values now display next to the mouse pointer when slice effect levels are adjusted on the waveform
  • Adjusting the key via the kit key section of the keyboard now makes immediate changes to audio playback
  • Tremolo/Pan effect now has a beat related rate when synced
  • Individual effect parameters can now be reset to default by using Command(control on windows)+click
  • Compressor “output” parameter is now labeled “makeup gain”
  • Several groups (channels) can now be soloed at once
  • Resizable GUI


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where users were asked to login multiple times while downloading a product
  • Fixed a bug where the start and end markers could not be moved
  • Fixed a bug where song section indicators would stop working after a user sample was added
  • Fixed a bug where song section indicators would stop working after a kit was saved then reloaded
  • Fixed a bug where the number of queued downloads in the browser was incorrectly calculated
  • Fixed a bug where any clickable item in Momentum would take over the DAW’s return key functionality
  • Fixed a bug where the download icon would remain next to a kit even when it was already downloaded
  • Fixed a bug where adding slices by a 1/16th note grid did not line up perfectly
  • Fixed a bug where the zoom on the waveform did not reset when switching between samples
  • Fixed a bug where slice effect defaults were not reset when a kit was loaded
  • Fixed a bug where when using the stutter slice effect, depending on the length of a slice, too many stutters would play back
  • Fixed a bug where low-resolution assets were being used on some systems
  • Fixed a bug where when multiple samples were playing, the playhead was only active for the most recent sample triggered
  • Fixed a bug where the Filter “resonance” knob was being incorrectly displayed for some modes